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English to Greek lexicon 1.0

English to Greek lexicon 1.0

English to Greek lexicon Publisher's Description

  • This is Greek to English lexicon with 5,940 words in 88k.
  • In DEMO version - you have 590 words only and no ability to add your own entries
  • Accented characters used in Greek translations. You will need Greek localization kit in order to see them.
  • Please, NOTE: BDicty Commercial is to be purchased separatedly from the lexicon and allows to add new words to the lexicon. But you don't need to purchase the Commersial version to use a dictionary - you can use it with BDicty Public version. With public BDicty version - you have no ability to add your own entries.

    When placing your order, please don't forget to provide us with your Palm User Name (Hotsync ID)!

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